
Can virtualization cause a hangover?

John Dix reminds us that virtual machine software isn't always the best way to go.
Written by Dan Kusnetzky, Contributor

During my morning scan, I came across Contending with the virtualization hangover by John Dix, In this article, John points out that some in the industry have fixated upon virtual machine technology, one of the five different types of technology in the virtual processing layer of virtualization technology, and marched forward with little planning and ran into all sorts of unintended consequences.  I've often repeated a couple of things, 1) that virtualization is far more than virtual machine software and 2) it is critical to have a architecture and a plan how to migrate from today's "chaotic" infrastructure to something better.

The post When is virtual machine technology the wrong choice?, addressed the fact that virtual machine technology was designed to help organizations consolidate workloads onto a fewer number of systems or to isolate workloads so that they can not interfere with one another on client systems. With the help of orchestration and automation technology, virtual machine software can be part of a optimized environment as well. If the goals are higher levels of availability/reliability, performance, greater scalability, unified management, better security, etc. then virtual machine software may be the wrong place to start.

The rather ancient post, Virtual Machine Software - Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail pointed out that organizations that base their whole future on a single product or single vendor often fail.

Thanks John for reminding us!

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