
Check out the latest and greatest iPhone apps on a new aggregator site

There are a ton of applications available for the Apple iPhone and a couple months ago I posted my Top Ten favorite applications. The Apple iPhone App store has grown considerably since then and now there are thousands of applications available that make the store much more cumbersome to browse through. I was recently sent a link to a site that I find to be an invaluable tool for those who use 3rd party applications on their Apple iPhone or iPod Touch. Apptism indexes all the applications from the Apple iPhone App store and aggregates the latest news, reviews, and media related to the applications.
Written by Matthew Miller, Contributing Writer

There are a ton of applications available for the Apple iPhone and a couple months ago I posted my Top Ten favorite applications. The Apple iPhone App store has grown considerably since then and now there are thousands of applications available that make the store much more cumbersome to browse through. I was recently sent a link to a site that I find to be an invaluable tool for those who use 3rd party applications on their Apple iPhone or iPod Touch. Apptism indexes all the applications from the Apple iPhone App store and aggregates the latest news, reviews, and media related to the applications.

You will be able to filter apps by recent activity, most activity, popularity, newest releases, and updated applications. If you sign up for a free account you can actually manage the status and check out reviews for applications you have loaded on your device and add applications to a watch list. You will see star ratings, links to external reviews, and more. You can sort both free and commercial applications by category and price. It seems like a great way to stay on top of the latest and greatest applications and I have subscribed to the RSS feed.

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