
Commentary: Sun's P2P pitch to small developers: Will it work?

Sun's chief rocket scientist let attendees of this week's O'Reilly P2P conference in San Francisco in on plans for Jxta, the open-source software that I'm sure Sun's PR machine will soon begin to hype as the best-conceived plumbing for the development of P2P applications. To me, it sounds like another power grab in the ongoing jockeying with Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard for control over the bigger prize: the future of Web services delivered over the Internet.
Written by ZDNET Editors, Contributor

Sun's chief rocket scientist let attendees of this week's O'Reilly P2P conference in San Francisco in on plans for Jxta, the open-source software that I'm sure Sun's PR machine will soon begin to hype as the best-conceived plumbing for the development of P2P applications. To me, it sounds like another power grab in the ongoing jockeying with Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard for control over the bigger prize: the future of Web services delivered over the Internet. Read the column. -- Charles Cooper, ZDNet News

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