
Could Mobile Save Alcatel-Lucent?

Could Mobile Save Alcatel-Lucent?By Eric Everson, Founder MyMobiSafe.
Written by MobileTech , Contributor

Could Mobile Save Alcatel-Lucent? By Eric Everson, Founder MyMobiSafe.com

Headlines today are rattled by weary reports of the turbulence that Alcatel-Lucent is experiencing. The two companies that came together to join as one, were once considered innovation leaders. Telecommunications industry consolidations and financial hardships have withered away what was once a thriving industry of opportunity. How can Alcatel-Lucent reposition as an innovation leader once again?

There comes a time when all business leaders have to make difficult decisions about the direction of their company. This being one of those critical times for Alcatel-Lucent, the leadership team can either “keep beating their tired horse” or return to their collective roots of innovation. One may ask where the greatest opportunity for innovation is today and the answer undoubtedly rests within the mobile environment.

As the founder of MyMobiSafe.com, I am one convinced that what is taking shape in mobile is leading us towards the next great wave of innovation. It may or may not be the next dot-com surge, but mobile is undeniably one of the hottest emerging markets. Where does Alcatel-Lucent fit in as a mobile innovation leader? I think the right answer resides in a blended balance of mobile offerings that complement the innovative spirit that these companies both have rooted in their mutual past. From handsets, infrastructure, to opportunities within mobile security Alcatel-Lucent has the right mix of talent and resources to reclaim their once undeniable market presence. The right move into mobile could reposition Alcatel-Lucent as an innovation powerhouse well into the future.

The future for Alcatel-Lucent is at a cross-road and like many others I am looking forward to seeing a return to innovation.

Your mobile security guru, Eric Everson, Founder MyMobiSafe.com

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