
Could the French boycott Yahoo!?

The main plaintiff in the feud between Yahoo! and the French courts over the sale of Nazi memorabilia called Jerry Yang "arrogant" because the Yahoo!
Written by ZDNET Editors, Contributor
The main plaintiff in the feud between Yahoo! and the French courts over the sale of Nazi memorabilia called Jerry Yang "arrogant" because the Yahoo! (yhoo) co-founder said he will not take steps to conform to a French court order against the portal. Marc Knobel of the LICRA told ZDNet France: "I've been pretty shocked (by Yang's remark). His incredible arrogance has scandalized me as well." A French court has ordered the portal to stop French Web surfers from accessing Yahoo! sites where the memorabilia is sold. Yang told the French daily Liberation in an interview published by Reuters on Friday, that "we are not going to change the content of our sites in the United States just because someone in France is asking us to do so." Full story (in French). -- Laure Noualhat, ZDNet France

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