
Desperately Seeking Winamp-ish

Way way back in the day, I used to listen to these new-fangled “Who is it?” MP3s on Winamp 2.
Written by Jake Rayson Rayson, Contributor


Way way back in the day, I used to listen to these new-fangled “Who is it?” MP3s on Winamp 2. It really whupped the llama’s arse, as it said on the tin. It played MP3s, and you could make playlists, and it was small on your screen.

Then I moved to The Land Of The Free Software. Uh oh. I mean, Totem Movie Player is a nice little movie player. Don’t get me wrong. And it’s Free. But it’s not designed to manage playlists and shrink up small and look cutesy, not like Winamp 2 used to.

So I tried VLC, as it’s champion at playing movies. Again, splendid movie player but not really doing it for me on the manipulating playlist front, it kept falling over, and the [Winamp 5] skin just made me feel homesick without any of the benefits, like decaffeinated coffee.

I branched out and explored Amarok, a KDE media player. Trouble is, it’s all a bit KDE, which is fine if you like KDE. But I am GNOMEophile at heart.

And then I found it. Audacious. A fork of the venerable XMMS media player, that is compact, plays MP3s and manages playlists in a sensible manner. Nice.

Next week’s instalment, Desperately Seeking Solution To Streamripper Woes…

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