
Eat and Learn about Documents at the Same Time

Doc is quite the multi-tasker. Right now, in addition to writing this blog I’m spackling my rumpus room in preparation for painting this weekend. I know, I’m an amazing guy. But seriously, how about learning during your lunch hour? Seems reasonable.
Written by Doc , Contributor

Doc is quite the multi-tasker. Right now, in addition to writing this blog I’m spackling my rumpus room in preparation for painting this weekend. I know, I’m an amazing guy. But seriously, how about learning during your lunch hour? Seems reasonable.

So I was glad to hear that Xplor International, the worldwide electronic document systems association, recently announced the return of their monthly "Lunch and Learn" webinar series. The monthly webinars will run from April through October and are held the third Thursday of each month at 1:00 pm EST. The informal panel format, lead by industry veteran, Pat McGrew, covers a host of subjects related to the electronic document industry.

Some upcoming sessions include:

  • May 20, 2010 - What Makes a Good Document Design? While technology has dominated the conversation for the last year, there is another topic that needs to be explored. There are many new folks in the business and much of the legacy knowledge that explains why bills and statements look the way they do has been lost. Add in the requirements of legislation and the needs of multi-channel delivery and it's clear that anyone might be confused about the basics of good design and how to apply them to the most important customer conversation that are had every month. In this hour the panelists will discuss the good, the bad and the best practices.

  • June 17 - Must Have Technologies - Considerations for Your 2011 Budget. In many companies the budgeting process never ends but at some point it's time to discuss the wish list for the coming budget cycle. In this hour the group poll the experts to see what is on their list of practical needs and what they would buy if their budget were unlimited. Document composition, workflow, output and infrastructure are all part of the conversation. The panel will include industry experts from the Xplor vendor community.

  • July 15 - Regulation Z, Card Act and Other Legislation - What's New? Every industry has regulations and more of that regulation is impacting the content and look of what is sent to customers. In this hour, the panel will talk about the real impact of preparing for Regulation Z and the CARD Act, and how the industry leaders have met their obligations.

The Lunch and Learn webinars are being produced by the Xplor Document University, the educational arm of Xplor International, and are complimentary and open to anyone interested in participating. Doc likes that.

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