
Edit and create Word and Excel docs on S60 devices with OfficeSuite 4

Nokia markets their Nseries mobile devices as "multimedia computers" and for the most part they do serve as excellent audio and video platforms. The Nseries also comes loaded with other productivity applications, like thw QuickOffice viewer application. Their Eseries line is targeted towards the enterprise user and comes loaded with the full version of QuickOffice that lets you view and edit documents. You can also upgrade the view-only version to an editable version and I'll be posting some thoughts on the latest and greatest version in a week or two. One great thing about the Palm, Windows Mobile, and S60 platforms is the number of 3rd party applications that address all your specific needs and competition in the 3rd party application market drives innovation. The biggest competitor to QuickOffice is MobiSystems OfficeSuite and I had a chance to load version 4, which adds PowerPoint viewing capability, onto a Nokia N95 and take it for a test drive.
Written by Matthew Miller, Contributing Writer
Nokia markets their Nseries mobile devices as "multimedia computers" and for the most part they do serve as excellent audio and video platforms. The Nseries also comes loaded with other productivity applications, like thw QuickOffice viewer application. Their Eseries line is targeted towards the enterprise user and comes loaded with the full version of QuickOffice that lets you view and edit documents. You can also upgrade the view-only version to an editable version and I'll be posting some thoughts on the latest and greatest version in a week or two. One great thing about the Palm, Windows Mobile, and S60 platforms is the number of 3rd party applications that address all your specific needs and competition in the 3rd party application market drives innovation. The biggest competitor to QuickOffice is MobiSystems OfficeSuite and I had a chance to load version 4, which adds PowerPoint viewing capability, onto a Nokia N95 and take it for a test drive.

OfficeSuite 4 allows you to create, edit, and view Word and Excel documents and view PowerPoint files right on your S60 mobile device. You can see several applications screenshots in my image gallery that takes your through the the word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation modes of the application. The program becomes even more usable and turns these S60 devices into true mobile computers when you combine a full-size Bluetooth keyboard and external monitor, as shown in one of my photos.

 Image Gallery: Check out screenshots of OfficeSuite 4 in action.  Image Gallery: Launching OfficeSuite 
Image Gallery: Spreadsheet view

When you first launch OfficeSuite 4 you can select to choose a file from your phone memory, external storage card, or email inbox. You then use the file manager to select file to edit or you can even select to create a new document or sheet. You can choose to save documents in .doc, .rtf, .txt. or .mwd format so you have a nice choice of formatting options. Spreadsheets can be saved in .xls, .xml, or .csv formats. The latest 2007 Office format is not yet supported by the application.

You won't find every option, format, and function of Microsoft Word or Excel in OfficeSuite 4, but you will probably find more than you could ever use effectively on a mobile device and I never felt restricted using the application. You will find options like spell checking, searching, word count, cut, copy, paste, font and paragraph formatting, hyperlink support, insertion of bullets/numbering, pictures, tables, and bookmarks, chart creation, True Type font support, and more. Functions like footnotes and spreadsheet macros are not supported.

Roundtripping of documents worked fairly well with only a couple of formatting issues (like some highlighting) being observed. OfficeSuite 4 was quick to open native Office files. I couldn't find a way to change the default program for opening email attachments directly in the Messaging application, but you can go to the file explorer in OfficeSuite and open attachments saved in your Inbox.

The major new feature in this latest version is support for PowerPoint files (PPT and PPS). There is no editing or creation capability, but it can be very handy to view a presentation and practice it on your mobile device as you travel to a location to give your presentation. Embedded images and charts are supported and you can view slides, slide show, notes, and outlines. I hooked the N95 up to my 37 inch HDTV using the TVout capability to view a slideshow that played back well on the device.

After editing or creating a document you can share it via Bluetooth transfer to another phone or PC, infrared beaming (if your device supports this), transfer to and from your PC using a cable, and sending or receiving the document as an email attachment.

OfficeSuite 4 is available for US$49.99 and if you have an older version then you can upgrade for US$9.99. There is a full functional 30-day trial version and I always recommend you try it out for yourself and take it for a spin before buying the software. OfficeSuite 4 does a great job of helping you work where you want to be with a S60 mobile device and I look forward to future updates and improvements of an alredy solid application.

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