
EIC podcast: Apple-Psystar; Intel; High tech in Israel

In this week's EIC squared podcast Dan remains on vacation. Luckily, News.
Written by Larry Dignan, Contributor

In this week's EIC squared podcast Dan remains on vacation. Luckily, News.com's always chatty Charles Cooper was around. Coop and I talk about the Apple-Psystar lawsuit, Intel's earnings and the technology landscape in Israel.

This week's podcast is a spin-off of the usual banter Coop and I have all day. Might as well do it on air once in a while.

As for the Apple lawsuit against Psystar, Coop wonders what took so long. As for the ultimate outcome, Coop went with the tame "Psystar has a few challenges" line (see News.com's analysis). I reckon that Psystar is screwed (all ZDNet and News.com Psystar posts). If that little clone maker in Florida could barely keep up with demand it's unlikely there's an army of lawyers in the back room.

On tech earnings, we talked a little Intel. The results were pretty good and the company talked up its Atom chip. Then again, Intel may not be a great tech barometer for the U.S. After all, most of Intel's sales are international and its gain is AMD's pain.

And finally, Coop recaps his vacation in Israel and how it has become a tech hotbed. Coop talks venture capital, Israeli business and the quest for clean tech. Look for more Israel dispatches at Coop's blog.

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