
EU gets connected with €22.5m BT deal

All about internet access...
Written by Gemma Simpson, Contributor

All about internet access...

The European Commission has signed BT to supply internet access with a budget of up to €22.5m over up to eight years.

BT will be responsible for supplying, implementing and managing a range of internet access services - at least 17 sites for the EC - collectively called the Internet Access and Associated Service.

The EC Directorate General Information Technology, which manages the Commission's IT and telecommunications resources, signed up BT for a minimum of four years but the contract can be extended to a total of eight years.

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Other EU institutions and organisations - including the European parliament and the council of the European Union - will also get internet services from BT under the contract.

Some of the services BT will provide include bandwidths ranging from 10MB to 1GB, wi-fi access, anti-spam filtering, protection against denial of service attacks, and domain name registration.

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