
First Philadelphia Apple Store confirmed

Philadelphia's first Apple Store is confirmed at 1607 Walnut street, just a few doors down from the long-suspected location of 1619 Walnut Street.
Written by Jason D. O'Grady, Contributor

apple_jobs Philadelphia's first Apple Store is confirmed at 1607 Walnut street, just a few doors down from the long-suspected location of 1619 Walnut Street.

Technically Philly reports that Apple is now hiring and it’s using Craigslist to find employees - the first official confirmation that Apple will launch a retail store in Philadelphia proper.

Posted last week, Apple is seeking Mac-head “Geniuses” for its new reported 1607 Walnut Street location. In the company’s typical we’re-super-serious-yet-friendly fashion, the ad calls for those looking to join the “retail revolution.” Rumor has it that retail workers make roughly $9 an hour while its Geniuses support team can make up to $24 an hour.

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