
Frugal Friday: Verizon DROID, Intel Antitrust, V-Block, Oracle/EU, ICCA

Frugal Networker Ken Hess and I discuss the new Verizon DROID smartphone, the recent Intel anti-trust complaint filed in the State of New York, the Oracle/Sun merger delays by the European Union, and speak with ICCA founder Steve Epner.
Written by Jason Perlow, Senior Contributing Writer

Frugal Networker Ken Hess and I discuss the new Verizon DROID smartphone, the recent antitrust charges filed against Intel by the New York Attorney General, the new V-Block data center solution joint offering between VMWare, CISCO and EMC, the Oracle/Sun merger delays by the European Union, and have an entertaining and nostalgic conversation with Independent Computer Consultants Association founder Steve Epner about the early days of computing and learn about the ICCA's upcoming annual conference in San Francisco on November 13-15th, 2009.

Click Here to listen to the November 6, 2009 Frugal Friday Podcast.

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