
Geek.com podcast 27; showing some love for Windows Mobile

As I mentioned in my recent iPhone MMS post I appeared with Joel Evans on the latest Geek.com podcast a couple of days ago and now Geek.com podcast #27 is now live for your listening pleasure. As you can see in the show notes list, we spent time talking about Windows Mobile, Android, iPhone, Nokia, and Palm phones as well as ebook readers and other tech.
Written by Matthew Miller, Contributing Writer

As I mentioned in my recent iPhone MMS post I appeared with Joel Evans on the latest Geek.com podcast a couple of days ago and now Geek.com podcast #27 is now live for your listening pleasure. As you can see in the show notes list, we spent time talking about Windows Mobile, Android, iPhone, Nokia, and Palm phones as well as ebook readers and other tech.

You can subscribe to the Geek.com podcast in iTunes or download the MP3 directly. I listen to Sal and Joel every week and enjoy listening to the show. I am sure Sal won't appreciate all the Windows Mobile love that Joel and I gave this week, but he will be back to slamming Joel for it soon.

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