
George Clooney delivered our biggest controversy in 2008

What if you knew you were carrying a future commitment-phobe? Would you terminate the pregnancy? Tickled with the mashup, I hit the publish button. I regret that now.
Written by Dana Blankenhorn, Inactive

George ClooneyBy far the most controversial post here during 2008 featured a picture of the actor George Clooney.

Controversial but popular. The post was the second most read here during 2008. And it drew 18 talkbacks.

Abortion fueled the controversy, which resulted in many readers contacting the editors, who gave me a firm talking to and suggested I re-focus on health IT, regardless of readership statistics.

I was in a playful mood that September morning. I had seen a story on the "commitment gene" (RS3 334 for those scoring at home) as well as a story about Mr. Clooney's personal aversion to long-term commitment.

So I started working on a mashup.

Then, while writing, I recalled a Law & Order episode I had recently seen, in which the venerable NBC series jumped the shark with a story about the so-called "gay gene."

I threw that in and found myself with a rambling but intriguing premise. What if you knew you were carrying a future commitment-phobe? Would you terminate the pregnancy?

Tickled with the mashup, I hit the publish button. I regret that now.

All this impacted the TV show more than me. NBC gave Jay Leno its 10 o'clock hour five days a week, putting the future of the venerable hit in doubt.

Was it the abortion plot line? Or was it just the production cost?

I know one thing, if NBC wants to resurrect the ratings on L&O they can do it, if they're willing to pay the price and if he's willing.

Make George Clooney the new assistant D.A. Bet if he were writing this blog you'd read it more often, too.

I just doubt he could commit to either.  Probably best we leave him alone in 2009.

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