
Google moving data from Writely?

Today Google is performing "maintenance" to Writely that will be finished sometime this afternoon.  All your documents remain read-only during this period -- which got me thinking.
Written by Garett Rogers, Inactive
Today Google is performing "maintenance" to Writely that will be finished sometime this afternoon.  All your documents remain read-only during this period -- which got me thinking.

They obviously didn't take down their servers to do hardware or OS upgrades, otherwise nothing would be available -- it has to be related to moving data.  The reason they would lock the files and keep them read-only would be to keep everything in sync.

Where would they be moving data?  Well, since it's now a Google product -- I am thinking there is a good possibility it is being transferred to Google servers to populate a similar service to Spreadsheets.

Is there any evidence this might be what is happening?  Yes there is.  The URL for this service will probably not be www.writely.com -- Google likes to make the URL of their services relatively consistent.  Because we know it will probably be <something>.google.com, I started digging around to see what I could find.

Currently, writely.google.com doesn't translate to anything, but after several attempts, I found a new DNS record writely.l.google.com that redirects to Google's main page.  Usually this is how Google rolls things out -- for example, spreadsheets.google.com's CNAME record points to spreadsheets.l.google.com.

Of course they could be simply performing maintenance to Writely, but I hope not.

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