
Google says that Atlantis is still missing

Excitement was in the air when someone "found Atlantis" off the cost of Africa recently. According to Google, what looks suspiciously similar to under-water roads is simply an anomaly caused by the ships that collected the data.
Written by Garett Rogers, Inactive

Excitement was in the air when someone "found Atlantis" off the cost of Africa recently. According to Google, what looks suspiciously similar to under-water roads is simply an anomaly caused by the ships that collected the data.

[image from Google Maps/Earth]

I'm sure people would have come to the same conclusion Google did if they studied the images seen on Google Earth -- city blocks appear to be anywhere from 5 to 10 miles long, and the roads themselves are almost a mile wide.

There have been some important discoveries made using Google Earth, but it's going to be difficult to make many under-water discoveries given the resolution that is currently available.

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