
Google Zeitgeist 2006

It's not yet available on the Google press page, but if you know where to look you can catch a glimpse before it's made public.  The 2006 Zeitgeist explores what's hot, current events, milestones, entertainment and sports.
Written by Garett Rogers, Inactive

It's not yet available on the Google press page, but if you know where to look you can catch a glimpse before it's made public.  The 2006 Zeitgeist explores what's hot, current events, milestones, entertainment and sports.

What's Hot 

What roils our curiosity enough to ask basic questions? Between these four simple query types, we seem to be keeping up with current events (and films), studying modern medications, and striving to learn new things.What roils our curiosity enough to ask basic questions? Between these four simple query types, we seem to be keeping up with current events (and films), studying modern medications, and striving to learn new things.

Current Events

Geopolitics was on our minds this year, and some politicians were top of mind. We sought to know the location of certain hotspots, and we kept an eye on the latest social and political scandals however they unfolded.




Year in and year out, human nature expresses itself, and so does our curiosity about the merging, purging and passages of others. This is true especially of celebrities — not to mention their offspring.



In an always-on world, our quest for diversion never stops. We seek to be entertained by live music, theatre, sports — and “reality” as seen on TV.



Only one year in four can boast the Olympics and the World Cup, and so 2006 tested our loyalty not only to players and teams, but to very different games. Of course, every year sports exact a toll on players (in 2006, the list includes a TV sport and a software mogul) who announce their retirement.



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