
Hey, Mac users! Need to make flash cards

I stumbled across a free, open source program today that makes creating flash cards incredibly easy. I was looking because I had a meeting today with some members of our middle school math department who were looking for new ways of reinforcing math facts, given that all too many kids in even the 7th and 8th grades struggle with simple operations.
Written by Christopher Dawson, Contributor

I stumbled across a free, open source program today that makes creating flash cards incredibly easy. I was looking because I had a meeting today with some members of our middle school math department who were looking for new ways of reinforcing math facts, given that all too many kids in even the 7th and 8th grades struggle with simple operations.

We have some software that can reinforce basic math skills, but really the teachers were just looking for the best way to help kids improve their automaticity and memorize simple math facts. Flash cards are an obvious choice. With Alex Rose's flash card application, students and teachers can easily create such cards to be administered on the computer (or projected to a class).

I won't belabor the details of the application. However, by way of summary, it's Mac OX 10.5+ only, it's free, it's a fast download, and it's easy. It certainly isn't the only application of its kind out there and there are others that are cross platform. This one happened to meet a need I identified today and I wanted to share it with anyone who happened to be running a Mac platform and wanted to create speedy formative assessments or memorization tools for any subject.

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