

An alert listener to the new Gillmor Gang discovered I'd inadvertently released a mix of the show at an 8k sampling rate, which meant that the opening intro and the music outro were unlistenable. I've remixed and replaced the file, but you will only hear a difference at the beginning and end.
Written by Steve Gillmor, Contributor

An alert listener to the new Gillmor Gang discovered I'd inadvertently released a mix of the show at an 8k sampling rate, which meant that the opening intro and the music outro were unlistenable. I've remixed and replaced the file, but you will only hear a difference at the beginning and end. That said, why not download the whole show and listen to it again, as it's a good one.

Someone also comments on my recent demeanor. I'm readjusting the medication.

More seriously, this post appeared in my aggregator's vanity feed this morning:

August 16, 2005
ZDNet, Gillmor Gang, and Podshow serious conflict of Interest

posted by geeknews at 12:09 AM


These charges are indeed off base. If geeknews would like to discuss them with me directly, I'd be glad to correct you on your faulty assumptions. 415-602-8170. Hopefully your credibility can then be restored. Or you could ask my wife whether I do anything for free or not. Then you'll get an earful.

Now back to RSS Crisis, starring Michael Gartenberg, already in progress.



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