
HTML5, CSS3, jQuery: go go go

I'm going to spill the beans. I am a 20th Century Boy when it comes to my old-fashioned web technologies.
Written by Jake Rayson Rayson, Contributor

I'm going to spill the beans. I am a 20th Century Boy when it comes to my old-fashioned web technologies. Oh yes, XHTML 1.1, CSS 2.1, JavaScript, not-a-lot.

So it's time to learn yet more stuff, to empty out the old muck (Lingo, Aldus FreeHand, Ventura, etcetera) and fill it with the Latest Goodness.

And here's where I learn my stuff from:

HTML5: Well, there's a whole main menu of hot topics right here on this site. But for learning, I have Dived into HTML5 by Mark Pilgrim. A good, clean, informative...¦ and quirky read. And you can buy the book here (don't be swayed by the single damning review, the US site has lots more optimism.

CSS3: CSS3.info. As the title blurb says "All you need to know about CSS3". And with sites like this, who needs books? Eh? All the exciting bits are in the CSS3 Previews section, showing what can be done with CSS3. Or rather, what can be done in modern browsers :)

jQuery: I know, jQuery is not the technology, JavaScript is. But for technical doughbrains like myself, jQuery is the easy route in to learning JavaScript. There's mountains of tutorials over on the jQuery site and the documentation is proper pukka too. The hard-copy book I've treated myself to is JavaScript: The Missing Manual (which uses jQuery).

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