
ICL strikes £6.3m deal with FCO

FCO employees around the globe get knowledge...
Written by Joey Gardiner, Contributor

FCO employees around the globe get knowledge...

ICL has announced a multi-million pound deal to provide the Foreign and Commonwealth Office with a 'knowledge service' to disseminate information to its employees around the world. The four-year deal is worth £6.3m and will see ICL provide the service to 14,000 people in 165 countries across the globe. The service will enable users to be alerted when information relevant to them is produced and allow group collaboration across continents. The FCO said it selected ICL because of its understanding of the department's needs. It added it will use the software to replace the old, centralised way of working with a more team-orientated ethos. The project will also make use of software from Convera RetrievalWare, Documentum and BEA WebLogic.
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