
Is the Motorola CLIQ good enough to recommend?

The Motorola CLIQ review embargo was lifted last night and the review floodgates were opened. Most every review has the same feelings about the processor speed and keyboard and it looks like the 528 MHz processor may be the limiting factor on current Android devices.
Written by Matthew Miller, Contributing Writer

Sadly I have yet to see a Motorola CLIQ in person, but Andrew has been playing with one for a week and posted his 8 reasons to like it and 7 reasons he doesn't article. Several other mobile enthusiasts spent some time with the CLIQ and the embargo on reviews lifted last night. As a T-Mobile customer and fan of the Android platform I went and read several of the reviews to see if it was a device I should think about picking up when it is released soon. Most reviewers were not that happy with the keyboard and found the 528 MHz processor to be the limiting factor that can slow things down a bit with lots of things running in the background. I think just about every Android device currently available has that same Qualcomm 528 MHz processor, but the upcoming Sprint Samsung Moment has an 800 MHz one so it may be worth it to wait until we see Android devices with more powerful processors.

You should check out these reviews of the T-Mobile Motorola CLIQ:

Do you plan to pick up a Motorola CLIQ?

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