
It was inevitable: 'SOA for Dummies' on the way

Breaking SOA down into its simplest components.
Written by Joe McKendrick, Contributing Writer

Robin Bloor informs us that he, along with Hurwitz Group colleagues Judith Hurwitz and Carol Baroudi, have been commissioned by John Wiley & Sons Publishing to write “SOA for Dummies.”

Bloor says he and the others approached Wiley, publisher of the "Dummies" series, with the idea. "They would probably have come up with the idea some time this year, but we stepped in before that," he says. "There is so much confusion about what SOA actually is."

"XML for Dummies" has been a pretty brisk seller for this space (more than 85,000 copies sold), so there's no reason to think why there won't be demand for a slightly higher-level book.

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