
Lawyer: Psystar may be 'very hard to stop'

Bryan Gardiner at Wired spoke to some attorneys about Psystar, the Miami IT firm that shocked the Mac world this week with the announcement of a US$400 Mac clone – a first in more than a decade.Previous Psystar coverage:Mac clones to rise again?
Written by Jason D. O'Grady, Contributor
Lawyer: Psystar may be ‘very hard to stop’
Bryan Gardiner at Wired spoke to some attorneys about Psystar, the Miami IT firm that shocked the Mac world this week with the announcement of a US$400 Mac clone – a first in more than a decade.

Previous Psystar coverage:

The consensus among attorneys contacted by Wired is that...

breaking a EULA technically isn't illegal (it's not a signed or executable contract) and penalties tend to vary from state to state, making it very hard to stop.

The article also takes an interesting approach, saying that instead of battling Psystar in court, Apple could make their lives difficult in software. A known sore spot for any Apple CPU upgrade:

"Apple issues regular updates to Leopard," Abhyanker says. "Future revisions might require massive changes to the way [Psystar] sells software in this virtual environment and usually these things don't last long unless there's some sort of agreement."

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