
Microsoft on Click Fraud: pay per percentage ads 'highly robust to fraud'

Microsoft is studying advertising methods that are “highly robust to fraud
Written by Donna Bogatin, Contributor

Microsoft Research is studying advertising methods that are “highly robust to fraud” and ways to eliminate “the incentives for click fraud in a system that sells clicks.”

In “Pay-Per Percentage of Impressions: An Advertising Method that is Highly Robust to Fraud,” Microsoft research says:

A simple method for selling advertising, pay-per-percentage of impressions, that is immune to both click fraud and impression fraud…ads must be shown in a truly random way, across the percentage of impressions purchased..Pre-fix match: a system that is similar to broad-match, but more compatible with pay-per-percentage…auction pay-per-percentage matches, including prefix matches in a revenue maximizing way…make it easier to sell to advertisers.

In “Click Fraud Resistant Methods for Learning Click-Through Rates," Microsoft research says:

A particular class of learning algorithms, called click-based algorithms…whose estimates are based upon the number of impressions between clicks...(and) satisfying additional technical assumptions are fraud-resistant in the sense that a devious user can not change the expected payment of the advertiser per impression.

Microsoft research also quotes George Reyes, Google CFO:

Click fraud is 'the biggest threat to the Internet economy…Something has to be done about this really, really quickly, because potentially it threatens our business model.'


ALSO SEE: Yahoo trumps Google: Yahoo takes the lead in attacking the click fraud problem

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