
Microsoft really wants to know you

Adjacent to a booth hosting all of Microsoft's software was a rather odd sight at Interop. A karaoke, guitar-laden extravaganza (exaggeration alert).
Written by Larry Dignan, Contributor

Adjacent to a booth hosting all of Microsoft's software was a rather odd sight at Interop. A karaoke, guitar-laden extravaganza (exaggeration alert).

Welcome to Microsoft's "Who Are You?" performance lounge.

Actually it was more like a bantering host and IT people running away lounge. Most of the technology types at Interop were more interested in getting a tee shirt. That didn't stop the prodding though.

"You an IT guy?" asked one Microsoft-ee who was charged with getting victims on stage. "Good, wanna play guitar? Where you from?"

The host joked that he should cut off the tee shirt line to get more participation (I'm not sure he was joking though).

Sure a few got up and sang. One poor guy--Eugene--got up to sing happy birthday and played a little guitar (first time in 30 years). "C'mon on up and sing with me," urged the host.

Good times. Microsoft got about three IT types up on the small stage in a half hour. Not to bad considering it was 11:30 a.m. EDT. Maybe a few suds--or at least a few nearby booth babes--will help Microsoft's cause.

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