
Microsoft updates boost law firm security

Case study: Automatic downloads keeping info safe...
Written by Tim Ferguson, Contributor

Case study: Automatic downloads keeping info safe...

International law firm Linklaters is using Microsoft update services to boost security and compliance.

The firm has been using Microsoft's Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) 3.0 SP1 since 2006 to make sure vulnerabilities are quickly fixed.

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The service automatically supplies online security updates for the firm's server platform meaning IT staff don't have to manually download and deploy it.

Information security risk manager at Linklaters, Orhan Moye told silicon.com: "The reasons for pursuing patch management is we're predominantly a Microsoft shop. We didn't want to do the panic patching, we wanted to do things methodically."

Moye added that a major attraction of the service was that it's free and is very easy to use. He said: "With WSUS, quite simply it downloads the patch and deploys it for you, so there's nothing really you have to do except [say] 'I want to release this patch'."

Another factor was the service meant compliance to internal security requirements, as well as external ones, was improved.

The IT team has also been able to tailor the service to its specific needs: "We haven't just taken it out of the box - we have extended some of the functionality," Moye said.

As an early Microsoft adopter, Linklaters is currently evaluating Windows Vista while Windows Server 2008 is now the default operating system for new server installations.

Moye said: "It is now our practice to deploy Windows 2008 to take advantage of the security features."

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