
MobileTechRoundup show #101, What do we think of the Palm Foleo?

Kevin, James and I kick off MobileTechRoundup show #101 with a round-table discussion of the Palm Foleo. We then chat a bit about what makes a device a mobile device. It was good to hear James' feedback on the Nokia PC Suite compared to ActiveSync and I agreed with him. Kevin talks a bit about how his UMPC is changing the way he uses his smartphone. We also talked a bit about the extremely small Raon Everun device and how it seems enticing for the mobile user.
Written by Matthew Miller, Contributing Writer

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Kevin, James and I kick off MobileTechRoundup show #101 with a round-table discussion of the Palm Foleo. We then chat a bit about what makes a device a mobile device. It was good to hear James' feedback on the Nokia PC Suite compared to ActiveSync and I agreed with him. Kevin talks a bit about how his UMPC is changing the way he uses his smartphone. We also talked a bit about the extremely small Raon Everun device and how it seems enticing for the mobile user.

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