
MobileTechRoundup show #102, Mac syncing and transfer options

The MobileTechRoundup gang started off talking about James' usage of devices, the Nokia N95 and T-Mobile Dash in MobileTechRoundup show #102. We then moved on to cover topics like the Nokia Media Transfer utility, Missing Sync 4.0 alpha for Windows Mobile, Parallels Desktop 3, Safari for Windows, GotVoice Visual Voicemail, smartphone keyboards, and the HTC Touch.
Written by Matthew Miller, Contributing Writer

Listen here (MP3, 31.5 MB, 34:20 minutes)

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The MobileTechRoundup gang started off talking about James' usage of devices, the Nokia N95 and T-Mobile Dash in MobileTechRoundup show #102. We then moved on to cover topics like the Nokia Media Transfer utility, Missing Sync 4.0 alpha for Windows Mobile, Parallels Desktop 3, Safari for Windows, GotVoice Visual Voicemail, smartphone keyboards, and the HTC Touch.

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