
MobileTechRoundup show #196, Nexus One, Pre Plus, and Overdrive

Kevin and I both have Google Nexus One devices so were were quite happy to kick off MobileTechRoundup show #196 talking about our firmware update that brought multi-touch pinch and zoom to the Gallery and web browser. James and I also have the Palm Pre Plus (James has the Pixi Plus too) and we are not as excited about them as we thought we would be. James has been testing speeds compared to the MiFi and is seeing a huge difference between the two. I just went and picked up my own Sprint Overdrive today after taking an eval unit for a test drive. Firefox Mobile also arrived as a full version release and Kevin and I have been checking it out and offered some thoughts on our experiences.
Written by Matthew Miller, Contributing Writer

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Kevin and I both have Google Nexus One devices so were were quite happy to kick off MobileTechRoundup show #196 talking about our firmware update that brought multi-touch pinch and zoom to the Gallery and web browser. James and I also have the Palm Pre Plus (James has the Pixi Plus too) and we are not as excited about them as we thought we would be. James has been testing speeds compared to the MiFi and is seeing a huge difference between the two. I just went and picked up my own Sprint Overdrive today after taking an eval unit for a test drive. Firefox Mobile also arrived as a full version release and Kevin and I have been checking it out and offered some thoughts on our experiences.

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