
Mozilla jumped the gun, add-on malware turns out to be false-positive

Late last week Mozilla reported that it had discovered two malware-ladened add-ons for the Firefox browser being offered on the official download site. It now turns out that one of add-ons labeled as toxic was in fact clean.
Written by Adrian Kingsley-Hughes, Senior Contributing Editor

Late last week Mozilla reported that it had discovered two malware-ladened add-ons for the Firefox browser being offered on the official download site. It now turns out that one of add-ons labeled as toxic was in fact clean.

The add-on in question was Sothink Video Downloader 4.0. This add-on was incorrectly labeled as malware because one of the scanners that Mozilla had used to check all the add-ons available for download threw up a false-positive.

According to a Sothink spokesperson, the error arose because of the tool used to encrypt the download (a tool called Armadillo, which has been behind other false-positive reports because it is sometimes used by malware writers to encrypt toxic code).

Note: For those out there interested in such things, here's a Virustotal scan of the Sothink Video Downloader 4.0.

The Master Filer add-ondid still contain malware, and is believed to have infected fewer than 700 systems.

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