
Not so much Live as Undead

The only thing that's new about the hosted versions of the Dynamics family is a subscription licensing model. In all other respects, they're just so much SoSaaS.
Written by Phil Wainewright, Contributor

My fellow ZDNet blogger Mary Jo Foley wonders why "Microsoft isn't calling the hosted versions of its Microsoft Dynamics ERP products 'ERP Live'."

There's a simple explanation. People at Microsoft evidently understand very well that taking an existing client-server application and hosting it in a data center is not enough on its own to turn it into an on-demand application. The only thing that's new about the hosted versions of the Dynamics family is a subscription licensing model. In all other respects these new hosted versions — just like the hosted version of CRM 3.0, released earlier this year — are just so much SoSaaS: Same old Software, as a Service. Gracing them with the Live moniker would be a travesty.

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