
Nuggets: Curvy, teardrop-shaped thingy sorts you out

Nuggets, twice a day, every day (well, we do our best!). Software, hardware and every gadget we can get our mits on...
Written by Justin Pearse, Contributor

Get one of these and you're sorted mate

In these design obsessed times even the humblest of devices can get itself a makeover. Even the lowly voice recorder. And why not? You don't want things being whipped out of your pocket embarrassing you, do you?

The Olympus V-90 digital voice recorder is a curvy, teardrop shaped little gadget, available in gold or silver, that fits oh-so-snugly into the palm of your hand. All the controls are placed just where your fingers expect them. Aesthetics aside, the V-90 is extremely easy to operate, has plenty of clever features and works extremely well. Recordings are stored in the 8MB internal memory, which gives you up to an hour's worth of speech. Date and time stamped recordings are organised into three folders and each given an individual number. Folders A and B hold 99 standard messages each, useful if you want to keep work and personal recordings separate, for instance. Folder S is for those of you who never know what they're doing each day. You store messages by date, up to 15 per date, and then set an alarm to playback the messages at a certain time. I found it very useful when coming back from the pub, when you can set it to playback 'check key's not still in lock, your bedroom is the third door on the right, stop, take clothes off before you get into bed'... c'mon guys, humour me here!

Couple of other useful functions include voice activation control -- speak and it starts recording -- and the mike sensitivity control which helps cut out excessive background noise. Get your life in order for £99.99.

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