
Nuggets: Spycam chases .jpgs and does transfers!

Every day ZDNet UK News will bring you two Nuggets -- one just before lunch and the other just before you leave the office. So if you want the latest news on the weird and wonderful gadgets that bless our beloved industry, bookmark ZDNet UK News -- and check out our Nuggets, twice a day.
Written by Justin Pearse, Contributor

Every day ZDNet UK News will bring you two Nuggets -- one just before lunch and the other just before you leave the office. So if you want the latest news on the weird and wonderful gadgets that bless our beloved industry, bookmark ZDNet UK News -- and check out our Nuggets, twice a day.

At the end of the month we will provide a roundup of our favourite gadgets which you could win in our monthly Nuggets competition.

Quick, after that .jpg!

SpyCam 5.0 is the latest version of a popular shareware programme that captures .jpg images from any Windows driven video-capture device and transfers them to your Web site. It can capture and display images at any interval and you can also include a customisable text strap, with the date and time. One drawback is that you'll have to create our own HTML page to put your images on, but the site contains sample files.

Add all this the fact that SpyCam 5.0 is self-installing, and you've got a cool new piece of software well worth the $5 (£3ish) the author politely asks for.

Heard a rumour about a plan for a new gadget or software? Seen a device on your travels you'd like to know more about? Tell Nuggets and we'll get you the facts.

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