Home & Office

Nuggets: Surfing software that monitors time online

Nuggets, twice a day, every day (well, we do our best!). Software, hardware and every gadget we can get our mits on...
Written by Justin Pearse, Contributor

Software to tell you how long you've been online

With the dream of toll-free Internet access fast becoming a reality, the future looks pretty grim for oRA CREATIVE's Internet Counter. What would have seemed a great idea a few months ago, software that monitors how long you've been surfing, now seems destined for the rubbish bin. Still, we've probably got a while to go yet, during which time this may come in handy. The Internet Counter calculates daily connection fees, based on specifying a telecom operator when you first install it, and presents you with a daily or monthly itemised account. It identifies the type of call, subscriber options giving discounts on certain calls and takes into account special subscriptions such as Friends and Family. The company says that free downloadable updates will be available whenever telecom operators chance their prices. At the moment it's looking for UK distributors, but for now you can order it via the Web site for £15. I don't think oRA has quite grasped the idea of ecommerce yet -- you have to download and post the order form. When was the last time you saw that on a Web site?

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