
Oracle begins Linux partnership plan

The database giant welcomes third-party software makers into the Linux fold, offering help with development to companies whose products augment Oracle's efforts to back the Unix-like OS.
Written by Stephen Shankland, Contributor
Oracle is welcoming third-party software makers into the Linux fold, offering help with development and promotion to companies whose products augment the database giant's efforts to back the Unix-like OS.

Oracle sells database software as well as higher-level programs for tasks such as tracking customers or keeping financial records. But software from the Redwood Shores, Calif.-based company also is used in conjunction with other companies' programs. It is those companies Oracle is seeking to woo into the Linux camp, the company said Wednesday.

Under the program announced Tuesday, the Oracle-based software collections will be available through the company's network of sales partners under a "powered by Oracle unbreakable Linux" brand that certifies the software packages are compatible with each other.

Oracle will help generate sales leads, train companies in the use of Linux, provide marketing funds and help with software development.

Through a marketing plan called unbreakable Linux, Oracle has signed support agreements with top Linux seller Red Hat and with UnitedLinux, a Linux consortium that includes No. 2 seller SuSE.

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