
Priacta - an update on a streamlined way to get things done

Simple is better as far as I'm concerned. Priacta makes GTD simple.
Written by Dan Kusnetzky, Contributor

A while ago, I posted Priacta, herding cats and action management and Priacta, herding cats and action management: Take 2 that focused on Priacta's take on "Getting Things Done" or GTD. A number of Virtually Speaking readers asked me to offer a status update. Here it is.

I found that Priacta's approach does simplify GTD (Getting Things Done).  I was impressed by the number of tools that they've tested and recommend. The macros they offered made Entourage Web Services Edition 2008, Windows Mobile 6.5 (HTC HD2) and my company's exchange environment work together pretty well. Tasks automatically pop to the top when I look at my "due today,", "this week" and a few other lists.  I suspect that they've done the same with other tools that they're supporting.

As with GTD, gathering tasks from all of the places that I stashed them was the biggest challenge.  I guess that I've been trying to capture ideas as I go along rather than spending a day or two (time I just can't devote) collecting tasks.

After working with Kevin Crenshaw, Executive Coach and one of Priacta’s founders, it became clear that I was complicating things and was offered a much-simplified approach to collecting, processing and then doing things. Simple is better as far as I'm concerned.

So far, it's working quite well.

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