
Psystar wants your questions for Apple depositions. Seriously.

I've heard people talk about trying a legal case in the press, but this takes it to a whole new level.It's deposition time in the on-going legal battle between Apple and Mac clone maker Psystar.
Written by Sam Diaz, Inactive

I've heard people talk about trying a legal case in the press, but this takes it to a whole new level.

It's deposition time in the on-going legal battle between Apple and Mac clone maker Psystar.  And to make things fun, Psystar is soliciting questions that it should be asking Apple executives during their scheduled depositions.


At first, I thought that the post on Psystar's blog this week with the headline "A Taste of their own Medicine" was a joke. But it looks like the company is seriously asking outsiders who have an interest in this case to suggest questions that could be asked at the depositions. Readers of the post are encouraged to post their question in the comments section of the blog but the company also offers an e-mail address in case the question should be a "surprise attack" during the deposition.

Putting aside all the lawyers-are-slimeballs jokes, does this rub anyone else the wrong way? Isn't this a serious legal matter that could have long-term implications for a company like Psystar if Apple prevails? Are they not paying their lawyers enough to come up with questions for these depositions? The casual tone of the Psystar blog post makes me wonder how serious the company is about a case that could pretty much put it out of business.

Maybe this is Lawyering 2.0.

Of course, asking a question doesn't mean you'll get answer. From the blog post:

Bear in mind that we might not be able to release the answers to said questions until the conclusion of this litigation (re: Apple’s Super Secret Protective Order) but we are still allowed to use them amongst our legal counsel and in court.

The depositions started this week and are scheduled to wrap up by the end of next week.

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