
RE: MS Java vm strategy proposal - target the tools vendors

This is one of the documents recently unsealed in the legal case between Sun Microsystems Inc. and Microsoft Corp.
Written by ZDNET Editors, Contributor
This is one of the documents recently unsealed in the legal case between Sun Microsystems Inc. and Microsoft Corp. over whether Microsoft behaved in an anti-competitive fashion in its handling of Java.

From: Russ Arun
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 1006 1:33 PM
To: Java Leads
Subject: RE: java vm strategy proposal - target the tools vendors

Our lithmus test has to be how many tool vendors target our VM and more importantly use it on default. Looks like PowerSoft is on board. Borland & Symantec are biting and we need to cement that relationship. They all want to know what our thoughts/plans are on JDK 1.1 Beans, etc.
Russ Arun

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