
Reader Response: Enough with 'Think Different'

A reader's response to Matthew Rothenberg's commentary: "Macs rule; PCs drool"If I had the time to read this whole article, I'm sure you would still have nothing of import to say. As a shill for Apple (don't deny it, you're probably referred to as 'Marketing Expenses' in their accounting method) I have heard about as much hype from you as a Super Bowl commercial.
Written by Laura Smith, Contributor

A reader's response to Matthew Rothenberg's commentary: "Macs rule; PCs drool"

If I had the time to read this whole article, I'm sure you would still have nothing of import to say. As a shill for Apple (don't deny it, you're probably referred to as 'Marketing Expenses' in their accounting method) I have heard about as much hype from you as a Super Bowl commercial.

Macs are for weak-minded individuals who couldn't point and click their way out of a paper bag. The interface is so old and clunky, I can't even imagine that anyone uses it at all anymore. Especially since Photoshop and *all* other graphic design software run better and faster on Windows PC's now.

You think your G4 is something? Try a 700MHz Athlon or 750MHz PIII on for size, then you'll get a taste of REAL speed. I can't even keep my computer near my TV, the EM radiation is messing up the picture! RISC is dead, long live CISC!

And what's with those colors anyway? It's a computer, not a fruit. How am I supposed to get that hunk of purple to match the rest of my living room? I don't live in some psychotropic, hallucinatory trance here. My house is relatively plain and your coloring book computer clashes massively.

And who needs a built-in monitor? I thought that went out with the Mac Classic! What are they thinking at Apple? "Let's see how small we can make the screen before people start complaining." Yeah right, like Mac addicts would complain at all. They are all hypnotized under Job's Reality Distortion Field that they can't see that the computer they are using is just a throwback to the dark ages of computing. And they are happy about it!

If I see one more billboard defacing the image of Sinatra with that idiotic "Think Different" campaign slogan, I'm going to hurl. Apple is thinking different, all right, just not thinking forward. What new technology have they come out with recently? The G4? Chrome cases? No-latch laptops? Yeah right, these are Huge Breakthroughs!

Don't even get me started on their monopoly! My (rutabaga (I'm a sucker for these things)) two cents.

p.s. Oh yeah, and Linux sucks too! ;-)

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