
Revisiting iPhone's app kill switch

The saga around Apple's alleged App Store kill switch gets more curious by the minute.Remember Apple's ability to nuke software remotely on the iPhone?
Written by Larry Dignan, Contributor

The saga around Apple's alleged App Store kill switch gets more curious by the minute.

Remember Apple's ability to nuke software remotely on the iPhone? Well, the findings (and the forensic code analysis) from the source of the ruckus--Jonathan Zdziarski--are being called into question (Techmeme).

John Gruber at Daring Fireball calls the story fishy and cites an informed source. Gruber says the code discovered by Zdziarski is an app blacklist for the Core Location framework. He concludes:

So there may well be some sort of kill switch that Apple can deploy to remotely disable an app that’s already installed. But this list is not it.

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