
Rupert Goodwins' Diary

Monday 24/02/2003Ah, Star Trek. As the old joke has it -- how come whenever they boldy go where no man has gone before, there's always someone there?
Written by Rupert Goodwins, Contributor
Monday 24/02/2003
Ah, Star Trek. As the old joke has it -- how come whenever they boldy go where no man has gone before, there's always someone there? But it's getting like that down here on Earth. Once upon a time, when friends departed for a year off travelling around the world to find themselves (or dysentery, whichever came first), you could expect a handful of postcards and a couple of drunken evenings with the photograph album on their return. Not pleasant, but bearable. Now, everyone's got a Hotmail account and every village with more than two shacks and a donkey has an Internet caf
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