
Samsung jumping on Google TV bandwagon in 2011 (updated)

Following in the footsteps of Sony, Samsung is planning to unveil its own set of HDTVs with Google TV connectivity next year.
Written by Rachel King, Contributor

Following in the footsteps of Sony, Samsung is planning to unveil its own set of HDTVs with Google TV connectivity next year.

According to Bloomberg, the official announcement and debut of such screens will be in January. Sounds like a CES-worthy event to me.

Other than that, the technical details are unknown and whatever "the plan" entails is also "undecided." But we have about two months to speculate and let rumors run wild.

UPDATE: Samsung reps have responded and sent us the following statement:

For Samsung, the connected TV era began more than three years ago and achieved a breakthrough in 2010 with the introduction of Samsung Apps, the world’s first TV application store now available in more than 120 countries. Our success has been built on an open platform strategy through which we have partnered with diverse content and service providers via our Internet@TV service, including Google properties such as YouTube, Picasa, and Maps. Samsung is focused on delivering the most complete smart TV experience to consumers and this will guide our approach as we consider introducing new services or platforms such as with Google. A relationship with Google TV is currently under consideration but no decision has yet been reached.

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