
Sony starts selling its SmartWatch in the U.S, but there are some problems

Sony's SmartWatch shows that wearable electronics aren't quite ready for primetime.
Written by Ricardo Bilton, Contributor

A bunch of people recently have been playing with the idea of the "smart watch", a device that offers a range of features and applications in a tiny, wrist-strapped package

But while the concept of a "smart watch" seems glitzy and futuristic and interesting, its implementation so far in devices like Motorola's Motoactv has had some pretty fatal flaws. And you can also see them fairly clearly with the aptly-named SmartWatch, Sony's most recent stab at the concept that's now hitting the U.S.

The biggest issue is that the SmartWatch isn't actually designed to work independently of a smartphone, which to me is 90% of the reason why the thing is effectively useless.

Sony's defense is that the strategy makes sense because, well, people have their phones on them all the time anyway. That logic would be sound and understandable if the Smartwatch ran $50 or so. But it doesn't; it costs $150.

Yeah, $150. That, along with the device's total and utter dependence on a smartphone will effectively cosign the SmartWatch into oblivion pretty rapidly. Which is sad, really, because I'm honestly and earnestly excited for a day where wearable electronics like smartwatches and HUDs are present inextricably in the mainstream currents of society.

Unfortunately, as the SmartWatch all too sadly shows, that day is still a bit far off.

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