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Study for Google Cloud Platform certification exams with this $30 7-course prep bundle

Cloud computing is the new norm. If you’re an IT professional looking to sharpen your skillset, a cloud certification in a popular platform such as Google Cloud is a necessary addition to your arsenal.
Written by StackCommerce, Partner

The IT industry is experiencing a gradual shift from on-premise data centers to flexible cloud solutions offering similar levels of networking, storage, and computing capabilities. In fact, cloud providers like Google Cloud are ideal for SMBs and startups thanks to the low initial investment. Meanwhile, data centers can be much more expensive when you take into account the costs for equipment and IT staff. You're more likely to find data centers in midsize to enterprise-level companies, and even then, they use a hybridized approach with both cloud and on-premise resources.

Suffice to say, cloud computing is the new norm. If you're an IT professional looking to sharpen your skill set, a cloud certification in a popular platform such as Google Cloud is a necessary addition to your arsenal. This Google Cloud Certifications Practice Tests + Courses Bundle contains all of the knowledge you need to prepare for the GCP certification exams, and you can get all seven courses today for just $29.99.

The content in the Google Cloud Certifications Practice Tests + Courses Bundle is taught by industry experts and course designers who cover everything from managing network architectures to designing secure, robust, and dynamic solutions on the Google Cloud Platform. If you're new to the cloud, we recommend taking the Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer course first. This course will get you acquainted with the Google Cloud Platform so that you can build practical experience while studying for the certification exam.

But let's say you have over three years of cloud experience and you're looking to specialize in a particular area. In that case, you might want to study for one of the Certified Professional exams instead. This bundle also includes courses for the Cloud Architect, Cloud Developer, Cloud Network Engineer, Cloud Security Engineer, and Data Engineer certifications, so IT professionals at all career levels can learn something new.

Registering for the GCP certification exams can cost up to $200, while training courses can cost hundreds more still. With this 95% off deal, you get all seven courses in the Google Cloud Certifications Practice Tests + Courses Bundle for $29.99. That's down from $639!

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