
Super Bowl ads increase Budweiser Web traffic by 594%, Godaddy.com by 378%

Apple's iTunes Web site saw a more than 170% jump in site traffic driven largely by the second annual Pepsi promotion offering the chance to win free songs through the pay-per-download music service, according to comScore Networks. The company released an analysis of the online impact of Super Bowl XXXIX, in which Budweiser (594%), Godaddy.
Written by ZDNET Editors, Contributor

Apple's iTunes Web site saw a more than 170% jump in site traffic driven largely by the second annual Pepsi promotion offering the chance to win free songs through the pay-per-download music service, according to comScore Networks. The company released an analysis of the online impact of Super Bowl XXXIX, in which Budweiser (594%), Godaddy.com (378%), and OlympusAmerica.com (363%) showed greater changes in their website traffic than Apple. The report said that Apple's iTunes experiencd a 172% increase in its traffic following the Pepsi-iTunes commercials. ComScore said that Napster, which advertised for the first time as a rival to iTunes, posted a greater than 30% increase on Super Bowl Sunday.

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