
Superguide: Green IT: Show me the money

Green IT is all about saving the environment, or so we are told. In reality, 'greening' only became popular once companies realised that it provided a benefit they understand well — saving cash. Discover everything you need to know about Green IT in this ZDNet.com.au superguide.
Written by ZDNet Staff, Contributor

Green IT is all about saving the environment, or so we are told. In reality, 'greening' only became popular once companies realised that it provided a benefit they understand well — saving cash. Discover everything you need to know about Green IT in this ZDNet.com.au superguide.

[? ini_set("memory_limit","200M"); //Get all stories related to Green library('/zdnet/livery/storyfragments/data/get_related_stories_by_keywordsolr.htm'); $whitepaper_display_limit = 34; $categoryList = array( 'insight' => array('name' => 'Features and Case Studies', 'channel' => array('Insight', 'Blogs')), 'news' => array('name' => 'Related News', 'channel' => 'News'), 'whitepaper' => array('name' => 'Whitepapers'), ); foreach ($categoryList as $catLabel => $catInfo) { ?]

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[? if($catInfo[name] == "Features and Case Studies"){ ?] [? } ?] [? unset($options); $options[rows] = 0; $options[keywords] = array("green"); $exclude_element_ids = array(339289591, 339277919, 339277887); if($catLabel == "whitepaper"){ $options['fq'] = 'type:whitepaper'; $options['type'] = "whitepaper"; }else{ unset($options['type']); $options['fq'] = (is_array($catInfo['channel']) ? '+category:('.implode(' OR ', $catInfo['channel']).')' : '+category:"'.$catInfo['channel'].'"').'+type:story'; } $options['sort'] = ''; $return_arr = get_related_stories_by_keywords($options); $count = 0; foreach($return_arr as $story){ if(in_array($story->id, $exclude_element_ids)) continue; unset($url, $title, $desc); if(isset($options['type'])){ if($options['type'] == "whitepaper"){ if($count >= $whitepaper_display_limit) continue; $whitepaper_obj = new Product($story); $GLOBALS[WP_CHANNEL_NAME] = "whitepaper"; $GLOBALS[WP_DISPLAY_TID] = "2000063328"; $url = "/".$GLOBALS['WP_CHANNEL_NAME']."/0,".$GLOBALS[WP_DISPLAY_TID].",". $whitepaper_obj->product_id ."p-". $whitepaper_obj->prod_cat_id ."q,00.htm"; $title = $whitepaper_obj->product_name; $desc = str_replace(array(""), "", implode(" ", array_slice(explode(" ", $whitepaper_obj->attrib_20009355), 0, 40)))."..."; } }else{ if($story->id == 0) continue; $url = $story->url; $title = $story->title; $desc = $story->long_summary; } if ($count%4 == 2) { ?]
[? } else if ($count%4 == 0) { ?]
[? } ?]

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' : '' ?] [?= $count == 3 ? '

More '.$catInfo[name].' »

' : '' ?] [?= $catLabel == "whitepaper" ? '

More whitepapers related to \'Green\' »

' : '' ?]
[? } ?]
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