
Time to short RedHat?

If we're really talking open source, if no one is going to do a proprietary fork, take their customers and go home, everyone wins here. The market can now grow exponentially, grabbing customers who were previously suspicious, who would never consider Linux before.
Written by Dana Blankenhorn, Inactive

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Let's get the snark out of the way first, shall we? 

If Ray Noorda were still alive this would kill him.

Microsoft and Novell in a wide-ranging partnership to make Linux and Windows work together?

Sure, Oracle is pissed. Yes indeed, the fox is in the henhouse.

You have the rooster, the hen, and the chicken. The rooster goes with the chicken... So who's having sex with the hen?

Not RedHat.

Seriously. This deal will test, for all time, where buyer loyalty lies in open source. Is it with price? Is it with the mighty? Is it with the guy on the other end of the phone? Is it with the community?

My opinion, for what it's worth. If we're really talking open source, if no one is going to do a proprietary fork, take their customers and go home, everyone wins here. The market can now grow exponentially, grabbing customers who were previously suspicious, who would never consider Linux before.

Which means the loser now may be later to win. The times they are a-changin'. If you're looking at the long term, don't dump your RedHat stock. As the smallest player here they've got the most upside.


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