
Top Android news of the week: Split-screen operation, HTC ban, official Reddit app

In the world of Android this week we heard that split-screen apps are coming, Reddit app is in beta, and that some HTC phones were banned in Germany.
Written by James Kendrick, Contributor

Split-screen operation coming to Android

In keeping with the times, Google is reportedly working on adding split-screen multi-tasking to Android. This would allow having two or more apps on the display at the same time for simultaneous use.

This was added to iOS 9 so Android would be playing catch-up with Apple.

Source: The Verge


Official Reddit app on the way to Android

An official app for Reddit is coming soon to Android. The Reddit team has asked for beta testers to iron out the kinks of the native app to get it released soon.

Source: TechCrunch

HTC devices banned in Germany


Later this month some HTC phones will be banned from sale in Germany by Deutsche Telekom. The injunction was ordered by the Mannheim District Court in Germany for a violation of voice coding patents by HTC.

HTC is expected to appeal the injunction.

Source: Android and me

Huawei hopes to bring its Honor phones to US

Chinese company Huawei wants to spread its business to the west and is hoping to get its Honor line of smartphones into the US. The company has teased the US with this intention for its brand popular in the East.

Source: Engadget

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