
Universal Desktop Daily - Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Linux Player Beta 2, Apollo sessions online, Fireworks Developer Center and Applejuice, an OpenLaszlo photo gallery.
Written by Ryan Stewart, Contributor

  • There is a beta 2 version up for the Linux version of the Flash Player which fixes some audio issues. Emmy Huang, Mike Melanson and Tinic Uro all have information.
  • There is an Apollo session online by Luis Polanco, Sr. Apollo Product Manager that gives some interesting information on the new runtime. If you're interested in Apollo, it's worth checkin gout. Thanks to TJ for the info.
  • Marco Casario points out that Adobe now has a Fireworks Developer Center. At MAX there was a lot of talk about how Fireworks and Flex are going to work together and I think there are some cool things in store for the designer-developer workflow here.
  • Scott Evans has created Applejuice, a photo gallery application in OpenLazlo. Information is over at the ">OpenLaszlo project blog, but it works with Scott's Picasa plugin.

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